diesel emissions

Learn the Importance of Diesel Emissions Testing

Diesel-powered vehicles are known for their fuel efficiency and power, making them a popular choice for both commercial and personal transportation. However, they are also significant contributors to air pollution if their emissions are not properly regulated. Diesel emissions testing is a crucial step in ensuring that these vehicles meet the environmental standards set to … Read more

What Octane should I use in my Car?

When you pull into a local gas station in Aurora to fill your empty tank, it may be tempting to reach for the fuel with the lowest price tag. After-all, how can one little number be so important? But reaching for the regular grade isn’t always the right choice – consult your owner’s manual, the sticker … Read more

Summer Pre-Trip Inspection

Now that summer is upon us, I’m sure some are excited to get out of town via an old-fashioned road trip to clear our minds! Whether you’re going to the beach, the mountains, or perhaps to Grandma’s house across the way, you need to make sure your vehicle is up for the task. The solution? … Read more

Don’t Forget to Flush! Auto Repair Tip

The fluids in your vehicle are what give it life—without them, you wouldn’t be able to move your car one inch, much less start it. It’s important to make sure these fluids are clean and at the correct level to ensure your car’s running smoothly. Just like your body needs to stay properly hydrated to … Read more

Auto Fluid Flushes at a Repair Shop

Does my fluid really have to be flushed? Do I really have to change my oil so often? Can’t these things wait a little longer? Perhaps they can—in fact, you could probably drive a little longer without sustaining any lasting damage to your vehicle. But the truth is every mile you go without having preventative … Read more