Steering Wheel Shakes

Posted February 3, 2022

Given that your steering wheel is functionally a conduit between the road and your car, the first indication that something could be amiss with your vehicle can often come in the form of a shaky steering wheel. Here are a few reasons that this might happen: Brakes – If your

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Categories: Automotive News

Three Fluids to Check this Month

Posted January 1, 2022

In order to run smoothly, your vehicle’s engine is dependent upon countless moving parts and fluids. Since there are so many components and liquids to keep track of, it’s best to have a proactive maintenance schedule in place which includes everything that can potentially wear out or need to be

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Categories: Automotive News

Braking in Cold Weather

Posted December 1, 2021

Wintertime in Aurora definitely presents its fair share of challenges. While the frigid weather and various forms of precipitation that tend to proliferate along the Front Range at this time of year offer rather obvious challenges to your vehicle, some of the more dangerous threats to road safety are of

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Categories: Automotive News

Winter Road Hazards

Posted November 2, 2021

There’s no shortage of elements to deal with during the winter months here in Aurora. Snow, freezing rain, black ice, you name it – we get it all. As a result of unfavorable weather and other factors, road conditions can be quite hazardous for Adams/Arapahoe County drivers this time of

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Categories: Automotive News

Cold Weather Car Battery Maintenance

Posted October 1, 2021

As temperatures continue to drop and we head towards winter here in Aurora, you will undoubtedly be contending with a lot of issues as you try and stay warm and safe while contending with blizzards, black ice, etc. One of the most common and most frustrating ordeals to contend with

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Categories: Automotive News

Extend the Life of Your Tires

Posted September 1, 2021

How does one decide whether they have worn-in tires or you’re-on-borrowed-time tires? The official recommendation is to replace tires when the tread is worn to a level of 2/32 of an inch. Okay, great. Now – how best to get a measuring tape between your tread? No need for that.

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Categories: Automotive News

Don’t Skip Out On Car Maintenance!

Posted August 3, 2021

Almost everyone is trying to save money these days. But avoiding having your vehicle inspected and investing in preventative maintenance, especially when there are signs of a problem, can be a costly mistake! Many of the extensive car repairs that our experienced technicians at Chase Automotive perform could have been

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Categories: Automotive News

The Importance of Spark Plugs

Posted July 5, 2021

In order for your gas-powered vehicle to run, it requires proper ignition to start the chain reaction that leads to engine propulsion and the ability to drive. Your ignition system contains several key components, all of which contribute to the process of detonating fuel in order to convert compression into

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Categories: Automotive News

Get Ready for Summer Road Trips!

Posted June 1, 2021

Now that summer has officially arrived in Colorado and social distancing restrictions are being relaxed, drivers throughout the state are starting to plan their seasonal road trips. Before you and your car hit the road to journey to new & exciting destinations or favorite vacation spots, here are a few

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Categories: Automotive News

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