Almost everyone is trying to save money these days. But avoiding having your vehicle inspected and investing in preventative maintenance, especially when there are signs of a problem, can be a costly mistake!
Many of the extensive car repairs that our experienced technicians at Chase Automotive perform could have been avoided. We see many cars that shouldn’t have needed to come here. We want to help you take care of your vehicle and avoid those expensive repairs, which is why we recommend preventative maintenance.
When you bring your vehicle to our shop, our ASE-Certified technicians will review the recommended maintenance schedule for your vehicle to make sure it is up-to-date with these services.
Ignoring maintenance can be costly!
• A small oil leak, which could be caught as part of a routine oil change or inspection, has led to a radiator replacement! When the oil cooler was replaced after an oil leak, the radiator was not inspected
• A dirty fuel filter can take out a fuel pump. When the filter gets clogged, it can prevent fuel from going through the pump, causing the pump to fail. A simple fix could have prevented a major repair that costs several hundred dollars!
• Worn brake pads, if ignored for too long, can damage the brake rotor. Without the protection of the break pad, the steel itself can begin to dig into the rotor. That damage is completely preventable, if you keep up with brake maintenance!
Auto repair is a lot like going to the dentist. Brushing your teeth and flossing is the preventative maintenance. But if you ignore a toothache, it can turn into a broken tooth or a root canal! If you don’t take the time to find out what’s going on with your vehicle, you may face a much bigger expense and it’s likely to be painful.
Avoid the pain of extensive repairs by keeping up with preventative maintenance. With routine inspections by experienced, ASE-Certified technicians, it pays to go to a professional!
To take care of your vehicle with an inspection and vehicle maintenance, call our auto repair shop in Aurora at (303) 344-4670 or request an appointment online.