Changing your vehicle’s oil is one of the most basic services your can have performed and also one of the most important. Here are a few oil change factoids to consider during National Car Care Month:
• Many people overlook checking the oil level in their car and just think they have to change it every 3000 miles, if they even do that…
• Many people think that it can wait an extra 500, 1000, sometimes as much as 5000 EXTRA miles ON TOP of the designated 3000…
• Oil is one of the most critical fluids to keep well maintained and full at ALL times…
• It is a cleaner AND a lubricant…
• As a cleaner, it removes SLUDGE and DIRT and maintains the designed clearances (accurate to THOUSANDTHS of an INCH)…
• As a lubricant, it keeps a protective layer between the hundreds of moving parts that can spin as fast as 5,000-6,000+ times every MINUTE!
• Oil can only clean so much before becoming saturated, thus the 3,000 mile interval to replace it…
• Oil, in theory, will never lose its lubricating qualities, but when sludge build-up becomes excessive, the fluid can no longer flow where it needs to, increasing heat AND the risk of burning up your engine!
If you have any questions regarding this top or anything else related to automotive maintenance, be sure to call us at 303-344-4670 or click HERE to schedule an appointment at Chase Automotive – our ASE-certified technicians are always available to discuss any and all things related to your vehicle’s health!